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What is NoSQL?

What is NoSQL?

NoSQL is a term that refers to a variety of database systems that do not follow the traditional relational model of data storage and querying. NoSQL stands for “not only SQL” or “non-SQL”, implying that these databases can support SQL-like queries or coexist with SQL databases, but also offer different features and advantages. In this article, we will explore what NoSQL databases are, why they are used, what types of NoSQL databases exist, and how they differ from relational databases.

Why NoSQL?

NoSQL databases emerged in the late 2000s as a response to the challenges and limitations of relational databases. Some of the main motivations for using NoSQL databases are:

  • Scalability: Relational databases are designed to scale up by adding more powerful hardware to a single server, which can be expensive and difficult to manage. NoSQL databases are designed to scale out by distributing data across multiple servers or clusters, which can be cheaper and easier to scale. NoSQL databases can also handle large volumes of data, such as big data and real-time web applications, more efficiently than relational databases.
  • Flexibility: Relational databases require a predefined schema that defines the structure and types of data that can be stored in each table. This can be rigid and inflexible, especially when dealing with complex or dynamic data. NoSQL databases allow for flexible schemas that can store data in various formats and structures, such as documents, graphs, key-value pairs, or wide columns. NoSQL databases can also accommodate changes in the data model without requiring extensive modifications or migrations.
  • Performance: Relational databases rely on complex operations such as joins and transactions to ensure data integrity and consistency. These operations can be costly and slow down the queries, especially when dealing with large or distributed data sets. NoSQL databases avoid these operations by storing data in a denormalized or aggregated way, which can improve the speed and efficiency of the queries. NoSQL databases can also leverage the advantages of in-memory or cache-based processing to deliver faster results.

Types of NoSQL Databases

There are many types of NoSQL databases, each with its own data model, features, and use cases. Some of the most common types are:

  • Document databases: These databases store data as documents, which are self-contained units of information that can have various fields and values. Documents are usually organized into collections, which are similar to tables in relational databases. Documents can have nested or hierarchical structures, which can represent complex or nested data more naturally than flat tables. Document databases are suitable for applications that deal with semi-structured or polymorphic data, such as e-commerce, content management, or social media. Examples of document databases are MongoDB1, CouchDB2, and DynamoDB3.
  • Key-value databases: These databases store data as key-value pairs, which are simple and basic units of information that consist of a unique key and an associated value. Keys can be used to access or retrieve values, which can be any type of data, such as strings, numbers, binaries, or objects. Key-value databases are suitable for applications that need fast and simple access to data, such as caching, session management, or configuration management. Examples of key-value databases are Redis4, Memcached5, and Riak.
  • Wide-column databases: These databases store data as wide columns, which are similar to columns in relational tables but can have variable numbers and types of values. Wide columns are grouped into column families, which are similar to tables in relational databases but can have different schemas for each row. Wide columns can store large amounts of sparse or heterogeneous data efficiently by compressing and indexing the values. Wide-column databases are suitable for applications that need to analyze large volumes of structured or semi-structured data, such as analytics, business intelligence, or recommendation systems. Examples of wide-column databases are Cassandra, HBase, and Bigtable.
  • Graph databases: These databases store data as graphs, which consist of nodes and edges that represent entities and relationships respectively. Nodes can have properties that describe their attributes, and edges can have labels that describe their types or directions. Graphs can capture complex or interconnected data more naturally than tables or documents. Graph databases are suitable for applications that need to perform complex queries or traversals on the data, such as social networks, fraud detection, or knowledge graphs. Examples of graph databases are Neo4j, OrientDB, and ArangoDB.

Difference between RDBMS and NoSQL

Relational database management systems (RDBMS) and NoSQL databases have different approaches to data storage and querying. Some of the main differences are:

  • Data model: RDBMS use a tabular data model that consists of rows and columns that store structured or normalized data. NoSQL use various data models that consist of documents, key-value pairs, wide columns, graphs, or other formats that store unstructured or denormalized data.
  • Schema: RDBMS require a predefined schema that defines the structure and types of data that can be stored in each table. NoSQL allow for flexible schemas that can store data in various formats and structures, and can accommodate changes in the data model without requiring extensive modifications or migrations.
  • Query language: RDBMS use SQL (Structured Query Language) as a standard and universal query language that can perform complex operations such as joins, transactions, aggregations, or subqueries on the data. NoSQL use different query languages or APIs that are specific to each database type and can perform simple or specialized operations on the data.
  • Consistency: RDBMS ensure ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties that guarantee that the data is consistent and reliable across all transactions and queries. NoSQL compromise consistency in favor of availability, partition tolerance, and speed, and offer eventual consistency, which means that the data may not be updated or accurate immediately after a write operation.
  • Scalability: RDBMS scale up by adding more powerful hardware to a single server, which can be expensive and difficult to manage. NoSQL scale out by distributing data across multiple servers or clusters, which can be cheaper and easier to scale.


NoSQL is a term that refers to a variety of database systems that do not follow the traditional relational model of data storage and querying. NoSQL databases offer different features and advantages over relational databases, such as scalability, flexibility, performance, and suitability for various types of data and applications. NoSQL databases can be classified into different types based on their data model, such as document, key-value, wide-column, or graph databases. NoSQL databases differ from relational databases in terms of data model, schema, query language, consistency, and scalability.


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